The 2020 Victorian Salon des Refusés
Cat #3 Fiona Bilbrough
KEVIN McPHERSON - WORTH HIS WEIGHT IN GOLD Oil on Canvas 122 cm h x 92 cm w $8,500 Artist’s Statement This portrait is of Kevin McPherson, a local volunteer fireman. I met Kevin as a result of backing my car into his in our main street. After exchanging of details, I noticed his fireman’s cap and hat in his car. I asked if he was a volunteer to which he proudly answered ‘Sure am’. I was compelled to ask Kevin if he could sit for a portrait in his uniform. Not only was he generous enough to come to my studio for the sitting but he took the trouble to move vehicles around at the station and joined in setting up of props, clothing changes, along with some lovely stories about the many years he has devoted his time to the wonderful service. The painting was painted as a tribute to all the wonderful souls who repeatedly put their lives on hold and in danger for the benefit of the community. This portrait was submitted for the 2020 Sulman Prize. click on artwork to enlarge |