The 2020 Victorian Salon des Refusés
Cat #15 John Mandich
CATS OUT OF THE BAG - JOHN SMALLWOOD, QC Mixed Medium Oil & Charcoal on Canvas 200 cm h x 125 cm w POA Artist’s Statement Joe Smallwood, a young man who managed the bar at the Evelyn Hotel, after having a look at some of my past Archibald entries which I had submitted, suggested maybe I should paint his Dad, John Smallwood for the 2020 Archibald Prize. After some research the three of us met at Fitz Cafe for early coffee one Sunday morning. We had great conversations about many different things and I found him to be easy going and down-to-earth. My first impression was of a guitar player from ZZtop, but nevertheless, John is a well-known and respected QC. He is a big fan of cricket and a keen collector of different things. One of them is a stuffed lioness who passed away of old age, otherwise, he wouldn’t have taken her. In this portrait I tried to capture the man - who he really is, not only what he does. It was a challenge but a real pleasure. I am grateful to have met such a great human. This portrait was submitted for the 2020 Archibald Prize. click on artwork to enlarge |