Our Story
Original Aboriginal Art
Jetcha (Aunty) Zeta Thomson
Creation Story - Panel 1
Traditional Ochre, Bronze Sandstone, Pigments, Clay, Acrylic on Belgian Linen 170 cm h x 116.9 cm w $4,400 In the time of creation there was a calm over the vast mist-covered land. Biami the Creator Spirit saw the old woman, Gumuk Winga, with her empty coolamon. She looked very hungry. Biami then told the old woman to go and search for some yams. So, she then picked up her digging stick and set out across the land with her dog. Biami called out to Gane, the great rainbow snake who was laying asleep beneath the earth. He lay there looking out to the dry land when Biami asked him to go and find the old woman and bring her back safely. Gane set off following the marks in the earth left by the old woman’s digging stick. His great body moved across the land pushing the earth into hills and valleys leaving deep crevices in the earth. Beautiful colours of his body spread throughout, covering trees, plants, birds, butterflies and all other creatures. Then Biami called out in a loud voice, and thunder cracked as lightning flashed across the sky and rain fell. It rained for days filling up the deep crevices made by the rainbow snake’s body. Then the rain stopped, and the mist cleared and the river Dhungala was formed. The Murray River. |