The 2023 Victorian Salon des Refusés
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Cat#34 Ruby van Engelen
CHARLOTTE EATS A PLANE Oil on Canvas 50 w x 77 h cm $800 Artist’s Statement Surrealist rendering of a young woman enjoying a snack. This work depicts the experience of a dream-like state. Neither menacing nor entirely pleasant, the subject encapsulates the surreal quietness of an unsettling dream amplified through the soft, yet saturated hues and soft renderings featured throughout the work. The above piece was created with intent to transform the intangible feeling of an unsettling dream into a physical work, as well as the aspects of everyday life that seep their way into one’s nightly dreams; with the subject being an old friend of the artist, paired with frequent everyday sightings such as planes and headphones, all put together in a non-real space, amplifying that common feeling of both familiarity and apprehension. |