The 2020 Victorian Salon des Refusés
Cat #31 Angela Walker
LOVE FROM A MOTHER Oil on Wood 50.5 cm h x 40.5 cm w $590 Artist’s Statement The faces of our daughters show something of ourselves if we look deeply. A connection that goes further than resemblance in physical appearance. Love from a Mother encapsulates not the genetic link, but the nature and much of the quiet strength of the artist. The fortitude of the daughter is in the direct gaze and countered with the subservient manner of the stance, creating a thoughtful imbalance. Added to that the classical style in which the artwork is painted further adds to the context of smoldering intellectual vigor within. If a mother can pass her inner nature of empowerment to her daughter, then as a whole women may be less vulnerable to the abuse of the past. This portrait was submitted for the Shirley Hannan Portrait Prize. click on artwork to enlarge |